
  • adventures,  travel

    A Tale of Two Cities

    Today I am super excited as tomorrow I’m visiting Nottingham, my adopted home. I am going to a friend’s birthday celebration tomorrow evening and then going with my friends to the pantomime on Sunday (haven’t been for 20 years). Of course, we will take the opportunity to do festive things such as visiting the Winter Wonderland. Visiting different places was one of the things that I spent a lot of this summer doing.  The opening line of Charles Dickens’ novel A Tale of Two Cities:  “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times” is a line that could also sum up my summer as I was able to do…

  • travel

    48 Hours in Savannah

    I came across this article I wrote for Vagabundo magazine a few years ago, about Savannah, Georgia and thought I’d share it here. Savannah is a quirky, offbeat place which should be on anyone’s list of places to visit in the deep south of America:    

  • adventures,  travel

    New York New York

    A short while ago, I was lucky enough to make a short trip to New York. This was second visit, my first being back in 2006. I’ve been aching to go back so grabbed the opportunity with both hands to go back when I could. And I’m so glad I did. New York had been experiencing some snow showers before we came, however it was clear and dry when we arrived, albeit it very chilly. The first night we got in quite late and the journey and the time difference was affecting us, so we mainly interested in grabbing something to eat. As it happened, the hotel where we were…

  • adventures,  food,  travel

    Poland Adventures

    I’ve been travelling again, this time to Poland. Technically I’ve also been travelling to Leicester and Norwich, however I’ve decided to blog about my Polish odyssey instead. When I told people I was visiting Poland, I got a lot of blank looks and questions of “why do you want to go there?” (to be honest, I get asked that question with a lot of places I go to). But why not Poland? First of all. Warsaw should be on anyone’s must visit list, as it is historically and visually compelling. Packed to the brim with culture and energy, I could’ve happily spent weeks in Warsaw but had to make do…

  • travel

    Glastonbury Festival, 2014

    A few weeks ago, I went to Glastonbury festival.  As well as it being a good opportunity for live music, fun and drinking,  there was also plenty of food! We spent a lot of time going from meal to meal. I couldn’t take many photos of my food as my phone ran out of battery and I didn’t always have my Pentax with me but I did manage to snap a photo of the lovely Chicken Tikka Masala and vegetable samosa I ate on my first evening: