• Eating Out,  food

    Sweet Treats and Seafood in Brighton

    As lockdown continues to ease across the UK, I thought I’d finally get around to writing a post on my trip to Brighton- or rather, the food I ate on my trip to Brighton. This trip was quite a while ago now, so my memory is unclear on a few things. Therefore, I decided to focus more on the sweet things I enjoyed- they’re more interesting anyway. So, let’s start with these super scrummy ice creams I had at Bill’s and Donatello. So light and creamy. One morning, I had pancakes with blueberries and cream for breakfast, which felt very decadent: Not the healthiest start to the day! But my…

  • sweet treats

    Pancakes with Chocolate and Strawberries

    A bit late to the party, but can finally get around to sharing a picture of these delightful pancakes that my boyfriend arranged to be sent to me for Pancake Day. Despite lockdown, I loved the fact that we can still do nice things for each other (I sent pancakes to him in return). What toppings do you like on your pancakes?