Current Obsessions
Time for a current obsessions posts (really narcissistic I know). I have been into all sorts recently so here is the round-up:
In January, I went to see the film The Greatest Showman at the recommendation of my friend. Loved it! It may not have been a critical success but I enjoyed the story and the music. I listen to the soundtrack pretty much every morning on the way to work and I think I might get it on DVD when it comes out. I think it should have won every Oscar going in my opinion :P. Recommended for all fans of musicals as it’s colourful, uplifting and enjoyable. I may watch this in a double bill with Les Miserables.
TV Show
The Good Place is my newest obsession. It’s a Netflix show about a woman who dies and goes to heaven, only to realise that it was a mistake and she should actually be in hell. The rest of the season deals with how she hides this and tries to make herself a better person. The episodes are short and I got through the first season in a week, which is not like me at all. I’m itching to watch the second season now! (which is thankfully already on Netflix). Remember Pushing Daisies from ten years ago? It’s totally like Pushing Daisies.
I’m reading Three Queens by Phillipa Gregory at the moment. I love my Tudor history and am enjoying reading the story of Margaret Tudor. Phillipa depicts Margaret as competitive, annoying and self-absorbed, however it is intriguing to see her journey from child bride into a strong queen. She is unhealthily fixated on her sister in law, Katherine of Aragon. I’m also a bit obsessed by Mary, Queen of Scots, so enjoy reading about her grandmother and her relationship with her brother, Henry. Recommended.