• adventures

    Surviving Glastonbury (or any other festival)

      AKA How I learned to stop worrying and love the long- drops So last week I came back from Glastonbury festival. You don’t need me to tell you that Glastonbury is the greatest place on earth (although it is). For anyone who hasn’t been, it is super hard to explain what is amazing about it. It’s like a city with different districts, the best nightlife and a daytime world that constantly keeps you stimulated. When I went the first time in 2014, even though I enjoyed it, I was pleased to come home, mainly as I relished the opportunity of sleeping in a proper bed. However, this time I actually got hardcore…

  • travel

    Glastonbury Festival, 2014

    A few weeks ago, I went to Glastonbury festival.  As well as it being a good opportunity for live music, fun and drinking,  there was also plenty of food! We spent a lot of time going from meal to meal. I couldn’t take many photos of my food as my phone ran out of battery and I didn’t always have my Pentax with me but I did manage to snap a photo of the lovely Chicken Tikka Masala and vegetable samosa I ate on my first evening: