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    Christmas Sweet Treats

    Happy New Year! Seeing as we are now on the last day of Christmas, I thought I’d post a throwback picture of the dessert table at a Christmas do at my workplace. It was beautifully arranged and the colours made me feel very festive. Looking ahead to a fantastic 2020, full of gorgeous and delicious food!

  • Blog

    Festive Treats

    Happy New Year! Today is the 6th January and is therefore traditionally the last day of Christmas. I hope you’ve all been enjoying yourself over the last few weeks and indulging in a few festive treats. I definitely have. A lot of people are on post- holidays diets (which I don’t hold with) because they’ve over indulged a bit too much. Below I’ve posted a few pictures of the festive treats that I have indulged in over the last few weeks. Brownie and cream Three- trio mousse Christmas Pudding Okay the last one isn’t actually something I ate because I don’t like Christmas pudding but it looked gorgeous. What festive…