
I am very bad. …

I am very bad. I haven’t updated this blog for quite a long time. In my defence, I have been on holiday…to Canada. We visited the French speaking part i.e Quebec and Montreal. We also visited Toronto, Niagara Falls (my 2nd time!) and Ottawa. It was fabulous! Just in case you don’t believe me, here’s a photo of Ottawa:



It’s so beautiful. Ottawa is such a hidden gem in Canada, it is the Capital, but no one ever talks about it. 

Quebec was also fabbo. I could return there tomorrow. It has a delightful European charm and felt like a fairy tale. Again, here are a few piccies:





So I haven’t written much but I have had some things published. One example is this article I was commissioned to write for the Places to Go website:

I also have a few things waiting to be published. However, I really need to get writing again, I’m missing it!

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