New York New York
A short while ago, I was lucky enough to make a short trip to New York. This was second visit, my first being back in 2006. I’ve been aching to go back so grabbed the opportunity with both hands to go back when I could. And I’m so glad I did.
New York had been experiencing some snow showers before we came, however it was clear and dry when we arrived, albeit it very chilly. The first night we got in quite late and the journey and the time difference was affecting us, so we mainly interested in grabbing something to eat. As it happened, the hotel where we were staying, the Roosevelt, was located quite near to Grand Central Station so we took a wander down. The terminal is full of beautiful architecture and we enjoyed a meal at the Oyster Bar.
The next morning, we found a small cafe across the road from the hotel which did breakfast and Wifi and then headed towards St. Patrick’s Cathedral. The Cathedral is undergoing renovation and repair, so was covered in cladding when we arrived. It is still impressive however and plenty of the neo- gothic exterior can still be seen. After a peaceful morning spent in the Cathedral, we headed off to meet some of my relatives who live in the area and had lunch with them at an Italian restaurant, Felice. It was a lovely afternoon and an excellent way to acclimatise to the time zone and relax after the long day before.
That evening we wandered down to Times Square, which was a dazzling sight to see, with all the bright colours flashing in front of our eyes. It was very cold and began to snow as we were walked around, which caused a blurry effect to my photography!
Snow played a big role in my time in New York. We were unable to go on our boat trip to Ellis Island as planned, so instead spent Wednesday on the Big Bus Tour, where we made the stop at Ground Zero. The site of the original World Trade Center is every bit as haunting as you could imagine. It was very different to the previous time I visited, as they have now built fountains as a memorial, but it was no less poignant. The site is an eerie reminder of the fragility of human life and how the world can change so suddenly in the space of a short time.
We spent Thursday exploring the snowy streets of NYC, before meeting up with some friends and going for dinner with them. On Friday, it was finally clear enough to go up to the top of the Rockerfellar Center and enjoy the Top of the Rock Experience! I got some great shots of New York and the Hudson River. I would actually recommend this attraction to visitors to New York City, as it has far less queues than the Empire State Building, but offers excellent views over New York.
Even though it was only a short trip and our time was hindered because of the weather, I had a fabulous time in New York! I even got to spend a short amount of time in New Jersey (Or Noo Joy- sey to anyone who watches the Sopranos). I hope to get back there again soon, but other commitments may stop this from happening. I still have fantastic memories and have definitely caught the travel bug.