Stand Up to Cancer Bake-Off
One of the lovely things about working where I do is the sheer amount of cake! This week we got to sample these baked beauties as part of the Cancer Research UK’s very own Bake-off, to coincide with the Stand Up To Cancer version currently being broadcast. I didn’t join in with the baking, but I did taste- of course!
The bottom one had a lovely, sparkly design, which you can’t pick up that well from the picture.
There were quite a selection of cakes- lots more than I’ve shown here. All proceeds went to Stand Up to Cancer, so what’s not to like? Makes me want to start baking again!

Blogtastic Food
What a lovely thing to do. And dang this cake look awesome! the decoration on top is fab!
Girl From Mars
It’s gorgeous, isn’t it? 🙂