Surviving Glastonbury (or any other festival)

AKA How I learned to stop worrying and love the long- drops
So last week I came back from Glastonbury festival. You don’t need me to tell you that Glastonbury is the greatest place on earth (although it is). For anyone who hasn’t been, it is super hard to explain what is amazing about it. It’s like a city with different districts, the best nightlife and a daytime world that constantly keeps you stimulated.
When I went the first time in 2014, even though I enjoyed it, I was pleased to come home, mainly as I relished the opportunity of sleeping in a proper bed. However, this time I actually got hardcore Glastonbury blues. I made a Spotify playlist and bought a t-shirt- anything to bring back the feeling of being there. Glastonbury is the most chilled place you could visit and stepping inside it is like stepping into a different world.
With this in mind, I decided to write a post about how best to actually, y’know, survive being at Glasto. Surviving Glastonbury is not for the faint-hearted. Despite having an amazing time, my purse went missing, my boots vanished from my tent and I got horribly sunburnt. Therefore, I decided to write this survival guide, as I felt that if I could survive Glastonbury, I could pretty much survive any festival.
1. Separate your money into two wallets (at least)
This is pretty much my cardinal rule. Why? Because when my purse when missing, I survived the festival on what remained in the other purse. This was a life- saver and it saved my Glasto experience. Learn from me and do it.
2. Don’t bring more than you can carry
Even if you are going by car, it’s a long walk from the car park to the campsite. Make life easier on your back and arms by only bringing what you can carry. Even if you’re bringing a trolley, remember you still have to pull it.
3. Top- up your sun protection
Bring factor 50 and make sure its accessible. Don’t be like me and pack your sun lotion so securely you can’t get to it and then promptly get burnt on the hottest day in Glastonbury history. I covered myself in my friend’s SPF 20, burnt and regretted it when I was rubbed up against in large crowds.
4. Bumbags are your best friend
Yes, I know it’s not 1992 anymore. Yes I know they’re naff. But you’re at a festival and everyone will be wearing them. They’re secure and leave your hands free for raving. And that’s what you’re here to do, right?
5. Be prepared for the loos
Because they’re horrendous. But they’re festival toilets and the long drops at Glastonbury are better than most festival loos. Just bring your own loo roll.
6. Try to get some rest
As Glastonbury is the greatest party on the earth, it can be tempting to burn the candles at both ends. However, this may not be the best idea as it can leave you to crash on Sunday and miss the Killers, like me.
7. Bring snacks and alcohol
If you do end up unfortunate like me and unable to spend spare money on food and alcohol, having snacks that you can dip into will be a great help. Great for breakfast as well.
8. Invest in a good quality sleeping bag
Those nights can be coooold 😦
9. Enjoy everything the festival has to offer
Not all the action happens at the main stage. Take a wander through the Green Fields and the Stone Circle (if you’re at Glastonbury). Enjoy the sunsets.
10. Drink plenty of water
There are lots of places to fill up your water bottle. No excuse to not stay hydrated.
If you don’t want to take this advice on board, then the main thing I can tell you to do is to enjoy yourself. Have fun!
P.S. My purse was sent to my parent’s address three weeks after I got home. God bless Glastonbury 🙂